Picture Window Books/Capstone, August 1, 2023
Illustrated by Gal Weizman
ISBN-10: 1484684400
ISBN-13: 978-1484684405
Taylor is back from summer camp, and he’s excited to see all his friends and family. So excited, in fact, that he forgets to keep his hands to himself. One by one, his friends become upset with him, and he cannot figure out why. Will Taylor come to realize that he’s invading their personal space?
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fiction, picture booksSOMETIMES I AM HOT LAVA
Beaming Books, April 2, 2024
Illustrated by Amelie Videlo
ISBN: 1506493459
Sometimes when I get mad . . . Bubble . . . Boil . . . Erupt!
Most of the time, Buddy is a regular kid. He has ups and downs. But when things don’t go his way, he can feel the magma bubble and boil inside of him until he erupts like a volcano. Fortunately, he knows a few ways to return to feeling as calm and cool as igneous rock.
Sometimes I Am Hot Lava shows kids like Buddy how to manage feelings of anger and frustration through mindful breathing techniques. Backmatter teaches readers about anger and helps us identify what we’re feeling, why we’re feeling it, and what we can do about it.
FREE printable coloring page and “I’m a Little Angry” song
How to Make a Volcano:
- Outdoors or on a protected surface, place a plastic cup with a wide base (graduation-type cups work well)
- Fill it 2/3 full with water
- Add 3-4 Tbs of baking soda
- Add 1 tsp of dish soap
- (Optional) add a drop or two of food coloring or 1/2 oz to 2 oz of washable paint
- Stir
- Add up to 1 cup of white vinegar
- Watch your volcano erupt!
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fictionCREEP, LEAP, CRUNCH! A Food Chain Story
Knopf Books for Young Readers/Random House, December 12, 2023
Illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal
ISBN: 0593565525
Follow along as a day in the life of the food chain begins. From the sun that shines on the grass and trees to the animals that feed each other, each element in nature has its place. But what happens when the food escapes? This cumulative, lyrical story will delight, with a surprise ending that all science lovers will enjoy.
Download the FREE Discussion Guide and Activities here
Download “This is the Food Chain” Song lyrics here
*CYBILS Award Finalist, Elementary Nonfiction 2024
*Missouri Show Me Award preliminary nominee 2025-2026
*Crystal Kite Award Winner 2024, SCBWI
*Best of 2023 K-12, Pennsylvania School Librarians Association
*Finalist for Oklahoma’s 2025 Donna Norvell Award for “a book that has made a significant contribution to the field of literature for children through second grade
*Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12″ NSTA 2024 (National Science Teaching Association)
*Starred Review, School Library Journal “VERDICT: This is an excellent introduction to the food chain, and will be especially popular among elementary science teachers.”
*Kirkus “A good and read-aloud-ready way of introducing an important natural process.”
*Publishers Weekly “In this useful look at the food chain, readers see predator and prey together but never the moment of devouring, making for a STEM portrait suited to even sensitive readers. Back matter provides more about the featured flora and fauna.”
*Find out about the book’s cumulative structure, back matter, and how the title came to be in this Interview on Picture Book Builders
*Interview about Jody’s and illustrator Christopher Silas Neal’s processes on Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s blog
*Imagination Soup says, “This is a perfect STEM read aloud introduction to food chains and forest biomes” here.
*We Are Teachers “Best New Books for Kids and Teens in December 2023” here
*Author Chat with Jody Jensen Shaffer, YA and Kids Book Central here
*Book review with Sal here
*Book review with YA (and kids’)Books Central here
*Youth Services Book Review here
*Listen to my interview on The TeachingBooks Blog here
*Book review on Frog on a (B)Log here
*Creep, Leap, Crunch! A Food Chain Story: Making a Science Topic Accessible for Kids GROG Blog here
*Creep, Leap, Crunch! A Food Chain Story is on the Missouri Association of School Librarians’ Recommended Show Me Summer Reading List!
*Wonderfully thoughtful review on Unpacking the Power of Picture Books about Cumulative Picture Books here
*Creep, Leap, Crunch! A Food Chain Story highlighted in this article about developing readers by reading to them
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nonfiction, picture books911 DISPATCHERS ON THE CALL
The Child’s World, January 1, 2022
ISBN: 1503855880
Provides an inside look at the fast-paced, important, and stressful job of 911 dispatchers.
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911 dispatchers, emergency services, nonfiction, picture booksZEBRA MUSSELS (Animal Invaders)
Kaleidoscope, August 1, 2021
ISBN: 9781645195184
Zebra Mussels have taken over the rivers and lakes. Who will stand up to these invaders? This title tells the story of how Zebra Mussels invaded, their impact, and what can be done to remove them.
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invasive species, nonfiction, picture books, zebra musselsPUP IS LOST
Highlights Press, March 15, 2022
ISBN-10 : 1644726823
ISBN-13 : 978-1644726822
Fox can’t find his black-and-white puppy–where could Pup be? In this Level P Highlights Puzzle Reader, kids can join in the search and then find hidden letters throughout the book. The simple text has lots of picture support that will keep readers turning the pages. With a bonus matching activity to reinforce vocabulary, kids will love playing along in this forest adventure.
Highlights Puzzle Readers offer an innovative approach to learning that integrates puzzles and stories to develop motivated, confident readers. These Level P books are perfect for kids just beginning to read simple sentences.
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Illustrated by Kathleen Petelinsek
The Child’s World, August 1, 2021
ISBN: 1503853896
Juneteenth, also called Freedom Day and Emancipation Day, commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States. Readers will discover the history behind the day and find out ways to celebrate on their own. Additional features to aid comprehension include activities and poetry, informative sidebars, a table of contents, a phonetic glossary, sources for further research, an index, and an introduction to the author and illustrator.”
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black history, black lives matter, Juneteenth, nonfiction, picture booksA HOUSE FOR MOUSE
Illustrated by Clair Rossiter
Highlights Press, April 13, 2021
ISBN: 1644723417
Mouse is looking for a new house, but everything Bear and Squirrel suggest isn’t quite right. In this Level P Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers can join in the search for a house for Mouse and then find hidden letters throughout the book. The simple text has lots of picture support that will keep readers turning the pages, while the puzzle encourages re-reading. With a bonus matching activity to reinforce vocabulary, kids will love playing along in this forest adventure.
Download Bear and Friends bookmarks here!
Read my August 2021 interview in the Courier Tribune!
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early reader, fiction, pre-readerFOX WANTS A PET
Illustrated by Clair Rossiter
Highlights Press, September 21, 2021
ISBN: 164472460X
Fox is looking for a pet, but everything Bear, Mouse, and Squirrel suggest isn’t quite right. In this Level P Highlights Puzzle Reader, kids can join in the search and then find hidden letters throughout the book. The simple text has lots of picture support that will keep readers turning the pages. With a bonus matching activity to reinforce vocabulary, kids will love playing along in this forest adventure.
Download Bear and Friends bookmarks here!
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early reader, fiction, pre-readerWHERE IS BEAR?
Illustrated by Clair Rossiter
Highlights Press, April 13, 2021
ISBN: 1644723387
Mouse and Squirrel can’t find their friend, Bear. In this Level P Highlights Puzzle Reader, readers can join in the search for Bear and then find hidden letters throughout the book. The simple story text has lots of picture support that will keep readers turning the pages, while the puzzle encourages re-reading. With a bonus matching activity to reinforce vocabulary, kids will love playing along with this forest adventure.
Download Bear and Friends bookmarks here!