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My Debut Picture Book

You asked for it! Okay, not all of you. But a few did. Okay two. Two of my friends. So here it is! THE EASTER BUNNY, my debut picture book, written and illustrated by my 10-year old self. (P.S. World rights still available. Call me.)

The first thing you’ll notice is the unique cover paper. Made from recycled wallpaper sample books, this stunning volume seamlessly melds art and text. And it’s sparkly.

Notice how the animal motif (bunny, tiger) builds on itself on the inside front cover. The title page is simple, yet classic in design, punctuated by a single flower in the top right corner. (And yes, I went through a period where I bubbled the dot above my i’s. Cool, huh?)

Page 1. The problem

Page 2. The community gets involved

Page 3. Mole knows something
Page 4. Mole spills (!!)

Page 5. Mumble, mumble

Page 6. Quick! To your homes!
Page 7. The big finish

What I learned by writing and illustrating my own book? You don’t have to start big. You just have to start. What will you write today?

10 Responses to “My Debut Picture Book”

  1. Aubrey says:

    What an inspiring thought! I think I will start working on my manuscript again! Thanks so much for the encouraging words!

  2. jodyjs says:

    Go for it, Aubrey! 🙂

  3. Deb says:




    Thank you.

    Very glad I wandered on over to see what you were up to on your blog. I’ve spent a good chunk of the morning-writing-nothing…you are so, so right. You don’t have to start big, just start.

  4. jodyjs says:

    Especially on Monday mornings, huh?! By the way, I’ve read your work, Deb. Big creativity, big fun, big silliness, big heart. You do big, even if you don’t know it!:)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for sharing your very first book. I love it! The wallpaper motif is very 70’s – reminds me of my youth!

    Keep posting – I just love your blog!


  6. jodyjs says:

    Thanks, Laura! Bell bottoms, anyone? 🙂

  7. G.R. LeBlanc says:

    Awwwww! LOVE that! Thanks for sharing, Jody! I loved the wallpaper, too! 🙂 I just came across a book my son started when he was in first grade. It’s actually pretty good.

    I should translate it and post a couple of the pages at my blog, too! You just never know what kind of treasures you’re going to find when you declutter. lol.

  8. jodyjs says:

    I LOVE decluttering! Okay, love is strong. Like a whole lot maybe. 🙂 Thanks, G.

  9. This is adorable!!!!! Thank you for sharing.

  10. jodyjs says:

    Thanks, Casey! Please come by again.

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