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Recent School Visits and Author Appearances

I’ve had a great time at several school visits and author appearances lately. Here’s a shout out to all the great students, teachers, librarians, and bookstore community relations managers who made them happen.

St. Charles Borromeo Parish, March 7

Laurie Currier, Librarian extraordinaire, arranged for me to talk with the 4th and 5th graders at St. Charles. What an enthusiastic group! We chatted about what it’s like to be an author, the stars of the Hunger Games’ books, and lots more. These kids know books!

St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, April 16

What better way to celebrate National Poetry Month than to talk about poetry with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders? There isn’t any! We discussed several forms of poetry, and the students did lots of poetry-writing activities. There are definitely some future poets in that group! Thanks to Ramona Magers for coordinating and to Mrs. Loehr, Mrs. Ward, and Sister Sharon.

Tiffany Ridge Elementary/Barnes & Noble–Zona Rosa, May 11

Question: what do you call it when an author crashes a school’s book fair?
Answer: The Tiffany Ridge Elementary Book Fair at Barnes & Noble!

On Saturday, lots of students and parents of Tiffany Ridge Elementary made their way to Barnes & Noble–Zona Rosa. They did a scavenger hunt, bought books to benefit their school, and made me feel welcome. Thanks to Amy Barr and Sherry Polito for the invitation! And to all the kids who let me take pictures with them and of them!

If you’d like me to visit your school, email me at jody jensen shaffer at sbcglobal dot net (normal punctuation).

2 Responses to “Recent School Visits and Author Appearances”

  1. Sounds like you've been busy! And I always love to see kid's events at my local B&N, with all the kidlets running around enjoying themselves. Fun!

  2. jodyjs says:

    It was fun. There's nothing like kids and books!

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