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Edward Lear

Limerick Day Rocks!

Though not as well known as say, the Fourth of July, Limerick Day deserves all the fanfare it can muster. Say it with me: “Woo hoo for Edward Lear! Woo hoo for limericks!” (Edward Lear popularized limericks in his 1846 “Book of Nonsense.” He is the author of the famous poem, “The Owl and the Pussycat.”)

There. Now didn’t that feel good?

You’ll feel even better if you create and post in the comments section below your own limerick for all the world to see. Family-friendly, please. I’ll go first.

Way back when was an Englishman, Lear

Who had such a terrific career

Making rhyme after rhyme

Some absurd, some sublime

That we celebrate him over here

Now you, please. And happy Children’s Book Week!

Speak up:



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