COOKIE Out and About
Hey, everyone!
Two super nice people have interviewed me for their blogs this week, Laura Sassi and Kathy Temean. You can find the interviews here and here.
Also, if you’re in the Kansas City area on Saturday, July 16, I’m doing a book signing (with cookie crafts and actual cookies) at Barnes & Noble/Zona Rosa from 1-3pm. Details here. Hope to see you and your young readers Saturday!
One more thing! My COOKIE giveaway on Goodreads goes until July 21st. Enter to win a signed copy of The Way the Cookie Crumbled here!
Have a great day!
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Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, Kathy Temean, Laura Sassi, THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLEDGoodreads Winners Announced!
And they are….
Susan S, Pennsylvania
Rachel B, Kentucky
Elizabeth S, Michigan
Enjoy, ladies. Your copies are in the mail!
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Goodreads, Simon & Schuster, Simon Spotlight, THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLEDGoodreads Giveaway for THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLED! July 6-July21
Hey, everyone,
Yummy news for cookie lovers everywhere! I’m doing a Goodreads giveaway, and you can enter to win one of three copies of THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLED! Enter now! Here’s how.
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Goodreads Book Giveaway
Giveaway ends July 21, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.