Maryann Macdonald
Recent and Future Goings On
Did you know there’s an earthworm in Australia called the Giant Gippsland Earthworm that grows to six feet long? How do I know, you ask? Because friend and fellow writer, Ann Ingalls, and I have been researching interesting Australian critters. More on that later.(By the way, don’t mean to brag, but I have received my very own copy of Ann and her sister, Maryann Macdonald’s Little Piano Girl: The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Jazz Legend, and it is now signed by one of the authors. Just sayin’.)Humpty Dumpty will publish my poem “Found!” in its March/April 2010 issue! Thanks, TH.COLUMBIAKids published my poem “My Lists” in its Winter 2010 issue, out now. Have a look if you like.’t wait to attend the Children’s Literature Festival again this year at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg! This year the festival runs from March 14-16. What a great opportunity for school kids, authors, illustrators and bibliophiles in general to listen to and learn from some of the greats in kid lit.All the best!
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Ann Ingalls, Australia, Children's Literature Festival, ColumbiaKIDS, Humpty Dumpty, Maryann Macdonald, University of Central MissouriMore Picture Book Love and Miscellany
In other news, I got word recently that Humpty Dumpty will publish a poem of mine in their 2010 March/April issue! Woo hoo! Thanks, Terry!
And…I am overjoyed to say that I am in critique groups with three, count ’em, three debut picture book authors whose books are recently out or are coming out within the next few months. Stay tuned for author interviews, but for now, here they are…
What Do You See? by Judith Snyder (Odyssey)
This Tree Counts by Alison Formento (Albert Whitman)
The Little Piano Girl: The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Jazz Legend by Ann Ingalls and Maryann Macdonald (Houghton Mifflin)