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Washginton State Historical Society


Hi everyone! Hope your summer is in full swing.

I just wanted to pop in and let you know that COLUMBIAKids, an online publication for children of the Washington State Historical Society, has purchased another of my poems! Yay!

“Old Shoes” will be featured in issue 5. I’ll let you know when that happens. Thanks, Stephanie!

In other publishing news, more exciting things are coming. Think book length! I can’t spill the beans yet, but you’ll be the first (okay, maybe second) to know when I can.

Enjoy your summer! And don’t forget the sunscreen.


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Agents and Ezines

Awesome News 1: I’m delighted to announce that Teresa Kietlinski of Prospect Agency has recently become my agent! And boy oh boy, do I feel lucky. Teresa is great–funny, prompt, helpful, intelligent, knowledgeable, energetic, connected. She’s got oodles of experience, and I’m so glad to be working with her. Maybe she’ll stop by some day and we can pick her brain about agenty kinds of things. Teresa? Awesome News 2: I just learned that COLUMBIAKids ezine will publish my poem “My Lists” in its Winter 2009 edition! Woo hoo! This magazine for kids, published by the Washington State Historical Society, is packed with fun things to do and read, and the folks who put it together are really nice. Thanks, Stephanie! Check it out if you have a chance. http://columbia.washingtonhistory.org/kids/Spring2009/default.aspx

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