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Two new books from Lerner! What’s Your Story, Frederick Douglass? and What’s Your Story, Sequoyah?

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

In the warm before the cold a couple days ago, my two newest books from Lerner Publishing landed on my doorstep: What’s Your Story, Frederick Douglass? and What’s Your Story, Sequoyah? Such fascinating men, both of whom fought for the rights of their people. Douglass for African Americans during the 1800s, and Sequoyah for the Cherokee and American Indian tribes. The books look great! I hope your library or school gets a copy.

7 Responses to “Two new books from Lerner! What’s Your Story, Frederick Douglass? and What’s Your Story, Sequoyah?”

  1. Vijaya says:

    Jody! I love Lerner books and these look so good. Congratulations!!!

  2. jodyjs says:

    Hi Vijaya! Thanks so much. I really enjoyed getting to know these two a bit better.

  3. Congratulations, Jody! I will let our librarian know about them. When I worked in Newburyport MA, a few years ago, I would walk by an old colonial that had a plaque saying that Frederick Douglass had been there for a dinner party. It was always a thrill to think about it!

  4. Mirka Breen says:

    Well done, Jody. Pat-on-the-back from me.

  5. Traci Sorell says:

    I'm really excited to read what you've written in the Sequoyah book. He's an important part of my tribe's history and our written language.

  6. Congratulations! They look great.

  7. jodyjs says:

    Thanks, everyone! Cool story about the dinner party, Willow Street Workshop. He was an amazing man. And please let me know what you think about SEQUOYAH, Traci. I am just finishing a book on SITTING BULL (Hunkpapa Sioux tribe), and I've learned a lot about American Indians through my research lately.

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