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What the UPS Man Brought

My books!

Teachers–A teacher’s guide on the basic principles of economics is available from my publisher by clicking this link: http://childsworld.com/teaching_guides

10 Responses to “What the UPS Man Brought”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Yay! They look great, Jody! Congratulations!


  2. jodyjs says:

    Thanks, Laura! 🙂

  3. jodyjs says:

    Thanks, Rachel!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yay, Jody! Congratulations! 🙂


  5. jodyjs says:

    You guys are the BEST! Thanks, Sheri!

  6. Deb Marshall says:

    Yay for the UPS man and your books, Jody!!!


  7. jodyjs says:

    He's the best! 😉 Thanks, Deb.

  8. jodyjs says:

    Thanks, Ruth! The Child's World did an awesome job with the books.

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