Writing Contests
Apr 28, 2009 All 8 comments
Have I mentioned I love writing contests? Well I should have. Writing contests put my brain into overdrive. The excitement! The challenge! The narrow focus and limited timeframe! It’s too much for me to resist–kinda like exclamation points–so I usually don’t.
In 2006 my entry was a winner in the “Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Contest” sponsored by smartwriters.com and the Penguin group. I won a lovely tote, which I carry to all my writing conferences and gigs, the awesome book of the same name, and a poster which hangs proudly on my office wall. Thanks, Roxyanne and Penguin editors!
In 2007 my picture book, Freezing, Wheezing, Sneezing Weasels, took 3rd place in the picture book category of the W.I.N. Contest, also sponsored by smartwriters. com. Thanks, Roxyanne and Verla!
In 2008 my haiku was chosen a winner in the AirQ Haiku Contest, sponsored by the Mid-America Regional Council in Kansas City, Missouri. I won a bike! Thanks, Amanda, judges and River Market Cyclery!
Also in 2008, my holiday haiku took 2nd place in agent Rachelle Gardner’s 17 Syllables Contest. Thanks, Rachelle and blog voters!
I can’t wait to enter more contests. How about you?
Hey, Jody!
Way to go on winning all those contests! You know, entering contests isn’t something I usually do, but I’m starting to think maybe I should. LOL!
Haiku contests? Now that would be right up my alley. 🙂
Haiku is definitely up your alley!
Congrats on the contest wins! I haven’t won a writing contest yet (I’ve entered two so far). Where do you find all of these contests?! I have won books on blog contests though. That’s a start! 🙂
Ooh, Kelly, books! The best kind of prize! I just happened upon the contests really. Two came from smartwriters, one I heard about on Verla Kay’s blueboard, and another I read about in the local paper. Keep your eyes and ears open, and keep trying!
I love that tote! Congrats on all the contest wins. Your enthusiasm makes me want to enter one, too.
Go for it, A!
Oh my Jodi! You are having an amazing time of it these past few years!! Fantastic!! Who knows, maybe the two of us will be teamed up again one day, and we’ll be picture book ST-AHHHH-S!!!
Thanks for the congrats by the way, I was very excited! It was a good conference!! 🙂
Ooh, Michelle! Please, please, please! Let’s do that! 🙂